«Improving the Skills of Social Workers Working with
Asylum Seekers and Refugees»


A small scale but remarkable ERASMUS+ program project “ENHANCED SOCIAL WORKERS – Enhancing Intercultural Communication Skills and Competences for Social Workers in the Provision of Assistance to Forced Migrants” addressed to Social Workers working with Asylum Seekers and refugees, will give the opportunity to Social Workers in Cyprus and Lithuania to improve their Intercultural Communication skills and generally the quality of their offered work.

Through training seminars both in Cyprus and Lithuania, a group of Cypriot Social Workers with Lithuanian colleagues will discuss Methods and Techniques to improve their work with asylum seekers. The exchanges of experience of Social Workers will play a leading role in the interactive seminars. The Training Seminars will discuss Innovative ways of working with refugees and Asylum Seekers, promote Experiential Training Practices, study the mental and emotional traumas of Asylum Seekers and how they affect integration.

The Methodology that will be prepared will be a necessary aid for every Social Worker in the execution of his work. 



ENHANCED SOCIAL WORKERS project foresees the non-formal experiential education-training of a team of Social Workers from Lithuania and from Cyprus, which will take place through two training seminars both in Cyprus and Lithuania. The preparation of the methodology will be based on the experiences of the Social Workers, on the implementation of innovative methods of working with asylum seekers/refugees and will include practical suggestions for improving the work offered, good practices, interactive techniques, etc.

The dissemination of the results of the program both to Social Workers and to Services and Organizations dealing with asylum seekers and refugees will be pursued so that as many Social Workers as + embrace the program.


 There is great cooperation with the main refugee-related institutions in both countries. In Cyprus - with the Asylum Service of the Ministry of Interior and with the Contractor of the structures Pournaras Kofinou Lakes KOTEKA. There is also great cooperation with the officers of the structures where asylum seekers reside. In Lithuania – with Foreigners' Integration Group of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, and the mayor of Jonava municipality and Refugee reception centers.


An important activity of the project is the organization of a meeting of partners in Cyprus. This took place on the 23-25th of April, 2024 with the participation of 15 Social Workers from both Cyprus and Lithuania. The training was interactive with the use of many innovative practical teaching techniques, in order to highlight the experiences of Social Workers, express their ideas and feelings through small groups, through case studies to find solutions to problems, etc.



The Lithuanian colleagues had the opportunity to visit the Pournara, Kofinu and Lakes structures and to be guided by the Responsible Officers.  They also visited the Nicosia Municipality, were informed about its activities and were given a tour of its premises.






The coordinator of the project is the Jonava Social Services Center, Lithuania and partners the Social Projects Institute, Lithuania and from Cyprus the Pancyprian Family and Child Support Association "KIΒOTOS".


The Project is co-funded by the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission and National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.